活動名稱 「銘記粵北烽火歷史、賡續華南教育精神」研學之旅
主辦機構 韶關學院
日期 2023年7月3日至8日
地點 中國韶關
內容 活動邀請港澳師生學生走進華南教育歷史研學基地,追尋粵港澳同根同脈同源的共同歷史(1938年至1945年抗戰期間,因戰爭影響從廣州、香港、澳門三地輾轉搬遷到粵北韶關辦學,粵北成為抗戰時期的教育中心)。 通過“華南教育歷史追溯、粵北生態保護、丹霞地貌科普”等多元化的特色研學課程,銘記粵北烽火歷史,賡續華南教育薪火,感受華南研學精神。


截至報名日期 2023年6月5日中午
報名詳情 網上報名表

Education Bureau’s Scheme for Subsidy

Non-means-tested Subsidy for Local & Non-local Students

All full-time and local or non-local undergraduate students are eligible to apply for the Non-means-tested MES. With the Mainland China as the destination and 6 days in duration, the level of subsidies for the Subsidy Scheme on this summer school programme will be based on your travel expenses between Hong Kong and Shaoguan

However, each student will only be eligible to receive subsidy for the Non-means-tested SSEBR once throughout their study in programme(s) at the same level of study in Hong Kong.

* Students can apply for the Education Bureau’s Scheme for Subsidy via our online Application Form.

* For more information about the Education Bureau’s Scheme for Subsidy on Exchange, please visit our website.

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