Soongsil International Summer School Soongsil University



Soongsil University is a private, Christian university located in the middle of Seoul, Korea. Since its establishment in1897, Soongsil has played a leading role in Korean education. It would be a perfect place for you to spend your summer and go around city.

The on-site three-week summer school is one of the shortlisted summer programmes eligible for HKSYU’s Credit-bearing Summer Abroad Scheme (GEC206).

Programme Dates Session I : 3 – 28 July 2023 (4 weeks)

Session II : 4 – 24 August 2023 (3 weeks)

Application Deadline Session I : 20 May 2023

Session II : 15 June 2023

Programme Fee   Session I :

Application fee : KRW100,000 ≈ HK$600

Tuition fee : KRW1,900,000 ≈ HK$11,500

Session II :

Application fee : KRW100,000 ≈ HK$500

Tuition fee : KRW1,600,000 ≈ HK$9,500

* Please contact Soongsil University ( regarding scholarship opportunities..

Accommodation KRW450,000 – KRW550,000 ≈ HK$2,700 – HK$3,300

* The currencies have all been converted to HK dollars for your reference. Please refer to the website of the organiser for the actual programme fees, accommodation and other expenses.



Submission of Application

  1. Check and ensure that you fulfil the admission and English language requirements.
  2. Fill in HKSYU online form to register for this summer programme at least two weeks before the official Application Deadline of the Programme indicated above.
  3. The International Unit will assist you to prepare the official academic transcript, and brief you on issues related to summer programmes, but you are responsible for submitting your application to the programme organizer before the deadline, paying for the programme fee, arranging accommodation, purchasing air tickets and insurance, securing a proper visa (if applicable), etc.

Education Bureau’s Scheme for Subsidy

Means-tested Subsidy

Those receiving means-tested student financial assistance from the Student Finance Office (SFO) or whose families are receiving Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) are eligible to apply for the Scheme for Subsidy on Exchange for

  • Means-tested Subsidy on Exchange to “Belt and Road” Regions for the Post-Secondary Students (Means-tested SSEBR): With Korea as the destination and 3/4 weeks in duration, the maximum level of subsidy for the Subsidy Scheme on this summer school programme is HK$9,000

The amount for an eligible student is calculated by the approved level of student finance (in terms of percentage of full grant) to the maximum level of subsidy for the Subsidy Scheme.

Each student will be eligible for assistance under the Means-tested SSEBR twice throughout their study in programme(s) at the same level of study in Hong Kong, irrespective of the amount of subsidy received.

Non-means-tested Subsidy

All full-time and local undergraduate students are eligible to apply for the Non-means-tested SSEBR. With Korea as the destination and 3/4 weeks in duration, the maximum level of subsidy for the Subsidy Scheme on this summer school programme is HK$2,700

However, each student will only be eligible to receive once throughout their study in programme(s) at the same level of study in Hong Kong.

* For more information about the Education Bureau’s Scheme for Subsidy on Exchange, please visit our website.



Please contact the International Unit by phone (2804-8407), email ( or in person (RLB501 of Research Complex).



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